Friday, March 13, 2009


"It scares me, what Taslima is doing. Taking her anger outside for all the world to see, like turning open our skins, raw and ugly." - Page 95

Raw and ugly, and true. Maybe it will take that much to get into these people's brains. If that's what needs to be done, do it.
Taslima is the kind of person to fight. She's also the kind of person to fight so much that she's trying to walk into a brick wall, hoping that maybe, maybe this time, she might be able to step through to the other side. She just ends up with a cuncussion, and loses spirit.

So what do you think? Is she going to fall and crack, like Aisha, or approach it from a different angle, like (possibly) Nadira?


  1. Julia, I love your metaphor to a brick wall! It was interesting to think about it that way. Taslima is a strong girl, but I still think that she will fall and become Humpty Dumpty, and Nadira will be the person to come and put her back together.

  2. Oh...Julia, you spelled Taslima wrong...
    You spelled it: Tasmalia
    It's Taslima.

    Kinda like Nadria/Nadira! :P

  3. Kat, ha! what do you mean I spelled it wrong... (I went back and edited it, thank you.)

  4. Good Blog Julia. I really like how you used a brick wall for an example. I don't know why but it made me thing of Harry Potter when they are at the train station and they walk threw the brick wall to get to the other side (I think that is from Harry Potter I wasn't really into it so I might be wrong). Like Kat said I think that Taslima will fall apart and Nadira will put her pieces back together.

  5. I agree with Rebecca that I think the brick wall metaphor was really good. I actually don't think that Taslima will crash and burn, because unlike Aisha she is taking a plan of action that includes being actively involved in protesting. I think if she stands up for what she believes in and that makes her feel good, she won't have to go through what Aisha is going through.

  6. You have a good point Sara but what happens if she is protesting and the police arrest her and she goes to jail. I think that if Taslima end up going to jail the only two that will try to get her out is Aisha and Nadira.

  7. Interesting blog Julia. I think you can only bang your head agents a brick wall for so long, until you figure out it hurts. I don't know if Taslima will, when she figures out "it hurts", either keep fighting or give up. It's a tough decision on her part, figuring out if this fight is worth fighting. Because there are times when you need to step down, and others when you should keep fighting.

  8. The brick wall is a great metaphor, Julia! Definitely helps me envision it more. I agree with Sara. I think that Taslima has a plan of action, and she seems to be implementing it very well. It is her top priority, unlike Aisha who is still trying hard with her academics. I don't think that she will collapse, but I don't think what she is trying to do is going to be super successful.
    And Rebecca, I actually think that Uncle will try to get Taslima out of prison if she gets caught. It said that all he wanted to see was Taslima right after he got out of prison.

  9. Woops! That post by Alex was actually by me! She was logged in on my computer yesterday, sorry!

  10. I kind of agree with Maya. The only thing I think that is different now that all of the drama with Uncle has come up, it seems that mourning is Aisha first priority, and academics comes second.

  11. Really nice sentence you chose Julia. It's very descriptive and gives you a really good idea of what Taslima has become to.

  12. I also agree with Maya she does have a really good reason. Taslima might actually have an idea of what's going on in her mind. She just might be a great help in the end.

  13. I agree with Sara, I don't think Taslima will crash and burn. She sort of sets a plan of action or a goal and goes for it. I know the "magic cellphone" didn't work, but I think something is stewing in her mind. I also like your metaphor, Julia. Your metaphor is another way of picturing Taslima. I don't think Ashia OR Nadira will come to help Taslima, if she breaks.

  14. I like the brick wall metaphor. I agree with Sara L, that she won't break because she is standing up for what she believes in and is doing something the she can do to help her family. Not like Aisha, cuz I think Aisha is crashing and burning. I agree with Alissa that she might not feel that it hurts, she might just keep fighting, or she'll totally give up. I also agree with Maya, that Uncle would try to get Taslima out of jail if she went to jail. I disagree with Claire that neither Aisha or Nadira would help, I think they would and so would Uncle. But I don't really think that Aisha is going to go to jail unless she does some kind of big protest.

  15. Is there any specific thing that makes you think Nadira or Aisha would helps Taslima, Talia? I was just wondering because I can't find anything. By the way Alissa, you spelled against wrong. I also wonder like Becca, what would happen if Taslima protested and she got arrested.

  16. REALLY great points Julia, I totally agree with you about Taslima!

  17. I'm with Kat Becca and Sara, i love the metaphor! It made a lot of sense! I really understand what you are getting at, and to answer your question I doubt that Taslima will give up, i think shes going to stay stong because thats the type of person she seems to be to me.

  18. That's interesting Nickie, the part about Taslima seeming strong. I thought Aisha was strong at the beginning, I think we all did, but she "crashed and burned" when it turned bad. It's interesting how people change.

  19. Good point Alissa. I guess people really change in this book! Aisha fooled us all I guess....! I wonder if Taslima will really stay strong.

  20. I agree with Talia, I think that Aisha and Nadira would help Taslima if she got imprisoned. Nadira seems to be helping everyone she can. She is getting a little annoyed with doing it because she seems to be breaking some harsh news (To Lily, for example), but she is just such a nice person she will help Taslima out without a doubt. I mean she IS her cousin! And Aisha seems to have really changed since the beginning of the book (Like Nickie said), she is much kinder now. I think that she'd help, too. So I think that Taslima would have a good amount of people by her side.
    And Alissa's right, it is really interesting to see how much the characters (Especially Aisha) are changing throughout this book. I have a feeling she will keep changing and developing.

  21. I agree with Nickie and Alissa, I definitely don't think Taslima will give up, even if there is not much she will do I think she will continue to fight for what she wants.

  22. Listen carefully, because I don't say this often. I completely agree with you, Julia. This is a great point and a very thoughtful log. Like everyone else, I like your metaphor. Bricks... OUCH!

  23. I agree with you too, Megan! I also i agree with Sarah that i think you put lots of thought into this log!

  24. I forgot to say that I think since Nadira and Aisha are very different people, Nadira will handle everything in a much more mature way than Aisha and that she will come through for her family.

  25. Answering Claire's question of why I think Nadira and Aisha would help Taslima, I think they would because they are cousins like Maya said and Nadira is trying to help people. I agree with Sarah R that Nadira will handle everything better than Aisha because she is more like an adult. And I don't think Taslima will give up. Even though Aisha did crash and burn, Taslima seems stronger.
