Monday, March 9, 2009


“Don’t let them see you. But I think it hurt him, to hide so much.”
- Ask Me No Questions by Marina Budhos

"...and even without clucking like a hen, everyone gets noticed now and then..."
-Mr. Cellophane, Chicago

They are trying not to be noticed, because they don't want to be remembered. They can't be too amazing at anything, nor can they be too awful at anything. They assume that if people notice, they start asking questions. But not being noticed... Not being noticed for 7 years has got to take a toll. I think Uncle is like that. I'm not mad at him, I think he's just bitter. Customs that are completely different than what he was used to, people and family who are changing, all around him... Like Aisha, his control is slipping, and he can't do anything about it.
No, he should not have taken out his anger on Nadria. But I can understand the reasoning for his anger.

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